Wednesday 14 March 2012

Unconditional Love vs True Love

This is an excerpt from my book, “When the Sun Comes Up”...
There are as many concepts of Love as there are people.  Third dimensional love is based on give and take.  One person does the majority of the giving while the other does the taking. One is domineering or aggressive while the other is dutiful or passive. This is also the love that breeds abusive relationships by calling it “Unconditional Love.”  You can hurt me, leave bruises on my body, make me bleed and break my bones.  You can send me to the hospital, call me everything but a human being, and threaten to kill me.  You can take away my dignity, my self-respect and my value.  It does not matter what you do to me because I love you, unconditionally.  I will forgive you, I will hide your violence, I will lie for you, and I will make excuses for your behaviour, because I love you, unconditionally. 

There are those that have found a more balanced love.  I call this a lower fourth dimensional love.  This is when two givers are united together.  The premises of these relationships are mutual respect and honour.  They are kind and considerate and flourish on giving to each other.  This type of relationship is rare but does exist. 

With the spiritual growth of humanity we have now reached a place where “True Love” is coming into play.  True Love is a pure heart essence.  It is the Divine you. It is standing in front of the person you Love and saying, “I love ME so much when I’m with you.”  The premise of True Love is to take the love you have for yourself and give it to the person standing before you, giving without expectation or anticipation of return.  In other words, there is no keeping score.

True Love is more than an emotion.  It is a power, an energy, a vibration, a magnetic and creative energetic.  As you sustain True Love you sustain the ability to live in the fifth dimensional consciousness in ease and flow.  At this level of love and connection with the Creator, you have the ability to totally step out of the third dimensional emotional and mental body and blend with the soul.  As you sustain this level of love it generates into higher consciousness expanding to the next level of perpetual motion being set in motion.

This is a place where our hearts together share a continuous flow of gratitude, respect, kindness, consideration, oneness, all that is pure, and all that is the divine self. 

True Love is the love that God has always had for us.  It is the love that each and every one of has searched for from the beginning of our journeys here on earth.  True Love is here now for those who have risen or chose to rise above the denseness of planet earth.

Have a great weekend!  I’m off to Cobourg, it’s my babies (LOL) birthday on Saturday, he’s going to be 34.

P.S.  you can read one of the short stories from my book “When the Sun Comes Up” by going to and clicking on story.

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