Friday 11 January 2013

From Morning Blessing

There came a time in the universe for many beings to come in to Earth, and so a great line formed on the other side of the veil. Many people got ready to come in and said, "It looks like it is going to happen. We are all going in here." And all the people who thought they could make a difference got in line, ready to take a turn in a body.

Then a magical thing happened. Someone at the front of the line turned around and looked at the person behind him and said, "You know, you have a better chance of making a difference than I do. I am going to step aside and ask you to move to the front of the line." And that soul moved aside so that this one could go forward, and one by one, each being stepped aside so that the souls with the finest possibilities of creating heaven on Earth could move to the forefront.

And here you are! You made it in! And it's my job to remind you that you are the ones. You are the magical beings from home who everybody stepped aside for so that you could come in. You have a responsibility to all of those who stepped aside, and you are doing so well!

It's kind of like being a Universal Oscar winner!

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