Friday 21 March 2014

A New Beginning

I realize it is not politically correct to use the word God.  And, I understand some people will be offended.  My own parents would be offended.  You see, my parents are atheists, non-the-less, from the age of eight I took myself to church.  My parents did not stop me, however they left me to my own devices to get the mile and a half to church.  As luck would have it, it was not long before a neighbor family realized my predicament and offered to drive me to and from church every Sunday.  
In my teen years I met many friends who gave me the opportunity to visit their church.  I concluded that all churches, were teaching the same things.  The difference was the way they taught.  I have to admit that I quite enjoyed my visits to other churches.  I loved the different energies of each church and the way each church honoured God by way of design.
A year and a half of illness puts your life in a different perspective.    The truth is I am not a religious person, I am a spiritualist.  With saying that, I will admit to believing in a higher power, and being of service to God.  This blog is more about the service and the journey God took me on to get to the place I am now.  More about my journey to come.
Well, that is all for now.  Hope you come back, leave a comment if you are inspired to.
God Bless, Anya