Sunday 17 June 2012

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! To All The Dad's and soon to be Dad's. Wishing You a Heartfelt day.

Thursday 14 June 2012

Humanity in Motion

Since humans are moving the nature of Life itself into the beauty and symmetry of fifth dimension, how can you make sense of the shifting in your personal life? First know the awakening process happens experientially as we engage life -- questioning what we see around us, learning to understand the deeper levels of ourselves and inviting Spirit to guide us in every moment. In these ways we stay connected to the Soul rather than the personality. It is a gentle journey of discovery, leading us into greater and greater amounts of awareness (consciousness). What happens over time is that we transition into balance and wholeness; the personality giving way to the Soul. Instead of feeling at war with ourselves and the world, we begin to feel increasingly at peace. Experiences of struggle are replaced with letting go and allowing the force of Divine Grace to create effortless movement and miracles. Second, realize that Ascension is a series of quite subtle shiftings, not unlike the blossoming of a rose -- it is barely perceptible, and then all of a sudden, there is the bloom. Many believe that ascension will be a momentous, remarkable, earth shaking event that comes all at once. It isn't happening like that this time! We've been there, done that during previous Ascension cycles. This time, rather than wanting everything all at once, human consciousness has agreed to experience the process for the process of ascension and the process of creation are the same processes occurring at different vibrations. Rev. Angela

Wednesday 13 June 2012

I'm back

Well I'm back... spent two weeks at my mother's. That also means I was away from the internet and my computer for two weeks. Talk about going back in time...LOL "Who Cares About This Planet?" is a spoken word poem that expresses this conflict between concern and ignorance for our planet, written and performed by Made Wade.